Friday the Thirteenth Again

It is Friday 13th and I am reblogging this by the wonderful Maggie McNeill, a woman whose intellect and erudition leave me in awe. My message to sex workers is that I support you in your struggle. I may not be able to do much beyond ranting on my blog, I may be a cheerleader on the touchline rather than a player engaged in the thick of the battle but I am with you. Always.

The Honest Courtesan

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.  –  Martin Luther King, Jr.

red umbrella ballToday is the first Friday the 13th in fourteen months, and since I’ve picked up quite a few readers since July of 2012 a number of you are probably wondering what that has to do with anything.  Well, it’s just this:  from soon after the beginning of this blog, I’ve asked those of you who aren’t sex workers yourselves to speak up for our rights on this day.  The gay rights movement didn’t really take off until the friends and families of gay people got involved, and it’s the same for us; since only about 1% of Western women ever formally work as whores, we’re going to need a lot of help to make our voices heard.  We need all the sex workers (such…

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